Man clubs grandma dead

CEBU, Philippines - A septuagenarian died after she was clubbed to death by her own grandson in her house in Barangay Unidos, San Francisco town, Camotes Island, last Friday morning.

Police are now looking for the alleged assailant Florencio Donaldo Jullisca, 34, who reportedly bludgeoned his grandmother Francisca Donaldo to death at the height of an argument around 7 a.m. last Friday.

Investigation showed that the victim and the suspect were drinking prior to the incident.

At the height of their drinking, the victim allegedly kept advising her grandson, which irked the latter. The assailant, who works as a farmer, is single.

The two got into an argument and Jullisca took a piece of wood and repeatedly struck the forehead of his grandmother until the latter lost consciousness.

The suspect fled while the victim was later found by her children sprawled dead on the floor.

Investigation further showed that the victim’s belongings were in disarray and P2,000 cash kept inside the house was already missing, leading police to believe that Jullisca stole it.

Police are now conducting a hot pursuit operation against Jullisca and are preparing charges for robbery with homicide against him.

Meanwhile, an ex-convict who had just been released from jail was shot dead by an unidentified assailant in Barangay Suba, Cebu City, yesterday dawn.

The assailant reportedly barged into the house of Raymund Jesus Aro, 24, and shot him without provocation.

Investigation conducted by the Homicide Section showed that Aro, who was recently released from jail for a robbery case, was sleeping in his house when a man came looking for him around 2 a.m. yesterday.

The victim’s mother, Elizabeth, told the man to just come back the following day saying her son was not around.

However, the man forced himself inside the house and shot Aro, who was sleeping soundly.

The victim, who was hit in the back and arm, still managed to run outside the house while the assailant fled.  Aro was rushed to the Cebu City Medical Center for treatment but succumbed to the gunshot wounds a few minutes later.

SPO3 Rey Cuyos, one of the team leaders of the Homicide Section, said they are still investigating the possible motive behind the incident.

Elizabeth said her son just got out of jail last December for a robbery case which could be a possible motive behind the attack, Cuyos said.

“Atong tan-awon kon wala ba siya’y atraso diha. Ato pa sad nga gisusi ka-ning iyang kaso kon unsa’y kalambigitan ani,” the police investigator said.  — (FREEMAN)

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