Part of BEED of LET test removed

CEBU, Philippines - The MindGym Philippines website, which offers intensive coaching for the Philippine LET reviews based in Quezon City, stated that PRC issued a resolution removing Part II, which includes Special Education, Pre-school and content course, of the LET for elementary-level examinees this September 30, 2012.

“We have confirmed that the Professional Regulation Commission issued a resolution removing PART II (SPED, Pre-School, and Content Course) of LET for elementary-level examinees this Sept. 30, 2012 examination,” the website read.

Elementary level LET takers will only be taking the General Education and Professional Education parts this September 2012 LET.

Republic Act 7836 does not prescribe a field of specialization for elementary level according to the Board of Professional Teachers. The General Education covers 40 percent of the rating and the Professional Education covers the remaining 60 percent of the rating.

PRC Cebu officer-in-charge Dan Malayang also confirmed the said news as they already have the official program of the board licensure examination for professional teachers on Sept. 30, issued by the PRC-Main Office.

A copy of the program given to The FREEMAN by PRC-Cebu also showed that the examination for elementary teacher examinees only covers general education and professional education.

The examinees are advised that on the day of the examination, they must report to the school or building assignment not later than 6:30 a.m. since late examinees will not be admitted.

Elementary teacher examinees only have to take the two exams until 1:30 p.m. Exams for Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education will be until 6 p.m. since it will still have a second part which is the specialization.

“Based on the official program that PRC gave us, it was reflected that the elementary examinees will only have the general education and the professional education. We received the program just last Friday,” said Malayang.

The PRC-Main Office was not available for comment yesterday on why they decided to make such a change in the BEED examination. – (FREEMAN)

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