Rama, CH execs, brgy chiefs to visit China

CEBU, Philippines - Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama including some city officials and barangay captains will be visiting Xiamen, China tomorrow until next week for an international fair for investment and trade and other official purposes.

Rama said it has been a practice to visit Xiamen, which has been Cebu City’s sister city for over two decades now.

He said their fare was sponsored while their accommodation in Xiamen will be shouldered by Xiamen Government, which extended the invitation.

The Cebu City delegation will attend the 16th China International Fair for Investment and Trade (CIFIT) and will do some education tour to learn Xiamen’s best practices.

Rama’s entourage includes Protocol Officer Ryan Necitas M. Echevarria, Division for the Welfare of the Urban Poor Chief Collin Rossel, Department of Engineering Drainage Section Engr. Guillermo Viola, Noel Artes, Dennis Jabonero and Harold Alcotin.

Rama also wanted Cebu City Vendors Association President Maria Pino, Apas Barangay Captain Ramil Ayuman, Punta Princesa Captain Jose Navarro, Tinago Captain Domingo Lopez, Sta. Cruz Captain Jerome Lim and Zapatera Captain Jinngoy Reformina to be with the group.

There will be no councilor delegate this time. The officials will be accompanied by businessmen from the Filipino Chinese Chamber of Commerce.

Rama said he wants his allies to take charge and watch over City Hall while he is on official travel. In his absence, Vice Mayor Joy Augustus Young will take over as acting mayor.

Rama said that he purposely chose the city officials who are most of the time out in the field to come with him to China so they will be given the chance to be exposed.

“Like Maria Pino, I want to show her that in China, there’s no sidewalk vendor. We can also learn the best practices on solid waste management, drainage, urban planning, etc,” he said.

“I want nga ang taga-ubos maka-travel sad so they will have the opportunity to dream,” Rama added.

The 16th CIFIT is expected to receive about 15,000 visitors from over 120 countries. It is getting more boost from the shifting of the center of the world economy to Asia and China.

“The emerging trends of international investment and trade and hot industry issues will be explored at the 16th CIFIT. The 16th CIFIT will allow participants to explore business opportunities and reap the full benefits of investment,” said Xiamen Mayor Liu Kequing who is the Vice Chairman of the CIFIT Organizing Committee. – (FREEMAN)

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