City gov't to give award to Bahinting

CEBU, Philippines - The Cebu City Government will give a Lifesaver’s Award to Captain Jessup Bahenting for saving the life of Ronaldo Aventurado, the zookeeper who was bitten by a cobra last week.

Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama also said the city will also give him cash reward. The city may award Bahinting during its charter day celebration next year.

But Rama said the award can be given in advance and he hopes to personally give it to Bahinting.

Rama though could not yet say how much reward money the city government will grant.

Bahinting and Nepalese flight student Kshitiz Chand remain missing after their private plane crashed last Saturday with Interior and Local Government Secretary Jesse Robredo as passenger.

The secretary is also missing.

Rama still hopes the three survived the crash.

Bahinting is the President and CEO of Aviatour Air, which has suspended its operation following the Saturday crash.

Rama said that the city government is willing to help in the search and rescue operations, if needed.

Bahinting was named local hero after he agreed to let one of his planes airlift the anti-venom vaccine from Camiguin for free.

Cebu has no supply of anti-venom and airlifting the vaccine from Camiguin was needed as it had to be administered within 24 hours from the time Aventurado was bitten by the cobra that he caught outside the Cebu City Zoo.

Aventurado was deeply saddened by the news that Bahinting’s plane crashed.

He said he is praying for his survival because he knows that Bahinting will be able to save more lives in the future.

Aventurado called Bahinting his angel.

Aventrurado is scheduled to be discharged from the hospital today.

He can speak and move his arms and feet now.

CCMC director Gloria Duterte said Aventurado’s body was completely paralyzed when he was brought to the hospital Tuesday last week.

The Philippine Cobra that bit him is kept in an aquarium in the zoo.

Rama said it would not be wise to release the King Cobra because it will only pose danger to other people.

It was suggested that the cobra be released to the wild because it has not been eating. Rama said it may be turned over to experts in Manila or to someone who can take care of it.

The mayor said establishing a serpentarium in the zoo may be possible in the future once the ownership issue of the zoo will be settled.

The Cebu Provincial Government claimed that it is the rightful owner of the lot where the zoo stands. –– /MBG (FREEMAN)

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