Inmate jumps off 2nd floor of bldg at city jail

CEBU, Philippines - An inmate of the Cebu City Jail landed in the hospital after he jumped off the second floor of a building in the facility yesterday morning.

The inmate, Joel Rentoma, 33, of Barangay Bolinawan, Carcar City, is now confined at the Cebu City Medical Center where he is scheduled to undergo “open reduction internal fixation,” said City Jail Warden Supt. Johnson Calub.

He suffered fractures on his right leg.

Rentome’s fellow inmates said that Rentoma jumped off shortly after an argument with his wife who visited him shortly before midday.

“Nag-away ra kuno pero wala kahibalo sa rason mao ra to’y hinungdan,” Calub told The FREEMAN in a phone interview.

Calub said it is difficult to classify the incident as a suicide attempt because Rentoma could have jumped off the building with his head first.

It could not be considered an attempt to escape either, Calub said, because it happened within the compound.

Rentoma was put in jail December last year because of a murder charge. The case is still ongoing.

Last June 15, another inmate, John Ceniza, escaped the city jail by jumping off the rooftop to the ground outside the perimeter fence.

At that time, the inmates were at the rooftop for recreation and Bible study.

Two jail guards, however, noticed him and immediately sought for help. Ceniza was later rearrested.

Ceniza, who was jailed last year for illegal drugs, underwent counseling following the incident.

Despite the two incidents, Calub said they do not consider the situation at the city jail alarming.       - THE FREEMAN

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