Ombudsman downgrades case vs. DILG exec

CEBU, Philippines - The Office of the Ombudsman in the Visayas has downgraded both the criminal and administrative complaints filed against an official of the Department of the Interior and Local Government in Toledo City.

Graft investigator Luanne Ivy Cabatingan recommended for the redocketing of the complaint filed by Elmer Canillo against director Gloria Pacampara of the DILG local government operations office in Toledo City into a request for assistance.

“It appears that this particular complaint should be downgraded to and docketed as a RAS case, in order for complainant to be assisted in understanding the requirements of respondent’s office in requests…and for respondent to be guided in understanding the reason behind complainant’s request,” Cabatingan’s evaluation report reads.

Canillo through lawyer Paulino Labrado claimed he went to Pacampara’s office in December last year to ask for a list of appointed officials in the 38 barangays of Toledo City. Canillo said he was making the request on behalf of Higaonon Cebuano Tribe Organization Inc.

According to Canillo, he was told to make a formal request which he did but the respondent allegedly did not reply immediately.

Canillo said he received a letter from Pacampara only last January denying his request. Canillo said he was told that he could only get the list he requested for if he files a case against these officials.

The complainants said he found the reason of the denial of his request “contrary to logic.”

He accused Pacampara of showing bias and political partiality which he claimed to be a violation of Section 3 (f) of Republic Act (RA) 3019 known as the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act and RA 6713 known as Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees.

Pacampara said it is her office’s policy to require a formal letter request from anybody who would like to secure documents stating the specific purpose of the request.

Cabatingan said she found no sufficient evidence to indict the respondent for criminal and administrative complaints.  (FREEMAN)

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