Cop still being kept away from PC Hills quarters

CEBU, Philippines - The court has ordered Police Regional Office-7 Director Marcelo Garbo to allow Supt. Vicente Mersan Premne to stay in his quarters in PC Hills for two months.

But as of yesterday guards were still keeping Premne away from PC Hills.

Premne has accused Police Regional Office–7 Director Marcelo Garbo Jr. of “boldly defying” the preliminary injunction ordered by the court.

Premne claimed that Regional Trial Court Branch 16 Judge Sylva Paderanga, who ordered the preliminary injunction, verbally informed him that he can already move back to his quarters immediately after the release of the order last Tuesday afternoon.

Premne showed a copy of the preliminary injunction order to the head of the RPSB guards Insp. Irvin Bellen as proof that he can already return to his quarters, but to no avail.

“It is very apparent that the defendant is imbued with militaristic mindset unmindful that they are PNP officers who may have overlooked the viewpoint that the police organization is civilian in nature and character where the rule of law shall be upheld and supreme at all times,” Premne said in a press statement.

He said the case would have not reached the court if PRO-7 had only respected his and Assistant Deputy Ombudsman Virginia Santiago’s request to give him and his family enough time to vacate his quarters. 

Premne said what is happening to him is already going beyond what is professional and is already a form of personal harassment. 

In her two-page order, Paderanga directed the defendants to cease and desist from putting guards, from preventing Premne and his family from entering the quarters, from padlocking the quarters and from preventing them to stay in the quarters while they were still looking for another place.

She likewise ordered the defendants to re-connect the power and water to the quarters of Premne.

Paderanga gave Premne 60 days to vacate the premises which means he can stay until May 27, 2012.

Garbo’s legal counsel Juan Alpuerto said they have yet to receive a copy of the official preliminary injunction ordered from the court.

He said they will file a motion for reconsideration before the court because of some unfavorable orders the court has allegedly granted Premne.

“One of the orders directed PRO-7 to cease and desist in putting guards inside the compound. This is not proper because compound ito. We believe that the issuance of the orders was not in accordance with the rule,” he said.

Garbo also said he cannot allow Premne to return to PC Hills because he has overstayed and that he is now assigned in General Santos City in Region 12. In fact, he said PRO-7 sent nine eviction notices to Premne in the past years.

He said he is only implementing the law which should have been done before. (FREEMAN)

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