Tabuelan police trains for rebel attacks

CEBU, Philippines - Rebels attacking the Tabuelan Police Station and how the police handled the situation were the scenes emphasized during drill Camp Defense Drill conducted at the Tabuelan Police Station yesterday.

The rebels were portrayed by personnel of the 78th Infantry Battalion of the AFP led by Lt. Col. Nolasco Mempin, the battalion commander.

At least 50 personnel from the AFP and at least 20 from the PNP joined the exercise.

One of the “critics”, Provincial Police Director Sr. Supt. Patrocinio Comendador, said they have prepared for the exercise for four months. He said the exercise was an effective way to prepare PNP personnel for the possibility of a rebel attack.

Tabuelan is the so-called “last frontier,” the only town in the northern area of the province not conquered by rebels.

Mempin explained that in the event of an attack, the police have to secure the municipal building and the residents in the area, at the same time, minimize collateral damage as much as possible.

The AFP has soldiers who have yet to experience an actual encounter, but these men are reportedly always on training.

“Security forces are always united in aiming peace and order,” Mempin said.

Comendador said the exercise was very satisfactory, however, the performance of command and control personnel need to be improved.

An information drive will be conducted to make the public more aware of the deceits perpetrated by rebel groups.

“Information awareness lang ‘yan kasi if they will try to influence the people mahihirapan na sila kasi informed na, (That is just information awareness so that if the rebels will try to influence the people, they will have a hard time.)” Mempin said.

The same drill will be conducted at the police stations in the towns of Pinamungajan, Aloguinsan, San Remigio, and Toledo City, areas considered vulnerable to rebels.— (FREEMAN)

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