Andales calls off persona non grata resolution vs "dislikes" video author

CEBU, Philippines - Cebu City Councilor Sisinio Andales has called off his plan to sponsor a resolution condemning American National Jimmy Sieczka for uploading a video on the Internet citing several reasons why he dislikes the Philippines.

Andales decided not to proceed with his plan after Sieczka made a public apology in another video he uploaded on the Internet.

 “I talked to Jimmy and told him that if he will make a public apology, then I will not pursue denouncing his behavior here,” Andales said. Andales and Sieczka were able to talk over a television program last Tuesday.

Andales said that it is enough that Sieczka has made the public apology to clarify his intentions in producing the video citing 20 reasons why he dislikes the Philippines.

Sieczka, in another video released yesterday, said that he did not mean to embarrass and cause harm or put down the Filipinos, especially Cebuanos. He said the Philippines has been great to him since he came to live and work here three years ago.

 “I’m deeply sorry that I’ve offended some of the people in the Philippines,” Sieczka said.

He clarified that he does not hate the Philippines and never used the word in the video. “Hate is a strong word,” Sieczka said.

Andales said that it is unbecoming of a foreigner to host a video that is meant to destroy the reputation of a country that relies so much in tourism.

 “We are trying to promote tourism in the Philippines then here comes a guy making posts that he dislikes the Philippines. These are ordinary matters but he should have not exposed it to international viewers,” Andales said.

Andales said that Sieczka should have discussed his concerns with the city officials first.

Vice Mayor Joy Augustus Young said that the city should even thank Sieczka for coming up with such video.

 “I’d like to thank him for the courage to do that. I did not ask his sorry because personally, I would like to take it in a more constructive manner,” Young said.

He said the city should focus on solving the concerns raised rather than focus on getting angry with the foreigner.

Among the issues raised by Sieczka are the beggars anywhere, garbage on streets, traffic, the dirty and uncomfortable comfort rooms, the sound of roosters all day, Filipino’s obsession to whitening products, blowing of horns unnecessarily, untrained security guards and urinating anywhere, among others. – Jessica Ann R. Pareja/FPL (THE FREEMAN)

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