Pro-RH Bill group hits solons opposing bill

MANILA, Philippines - A Pro-Reproductive Health Bill group hits anew two Cebuano lawmakers who are staunch opponents of the bill for not bringing the real sentiments of the people in their respective districts to Congress.

The Forum for Family Planning and Development (The Forum) has mentioned again Deputy Speaker Pablo Garcia (2nd District, Cebu) and Cebu City North District Rep. Rachel “Cutie” del Mar in their call for the immediate passage of RH Bill.

The Forum cited the 2009 survey done by the Social Weather Stations (SWS) in the province of Cebu wherein 9 out of 10 Cebuanos said that the province should have a policy on Reproductive Health and family planning while 76 percent say that they are in favor of the RH Bill.

The Forum President Benjamin de Leon however said that representatives from the Province of Cebu are among the legislators who are against the RH Bill.

De Leon said that circuitous and repetitive arguments of anti-RH Bill legislators are only tactics to delay the legislative process and is a form of disservice to the Filipino people.

“It is a disservice because survey after survey shows that majority of the Filipinos support the RH Bill and as representatives of the people in Congress, they should listen to the voice of their constituents.” De Leon said. 

The FREEMAN tried to contact Garcia and del Mar but failed. The survey yielded a sample of 600 respondents of reproductive age in Cebu City’s north district and Cebu province’s 2nd district whose legislators are both staunch opponents of the RH Bill.

The special poll, conducted over March 28-31, drew out views on the Reproductive Health (RH) Bill, population growth, HIV-AIDS, and the use of condoms, bills and IUDs, among others.

The SWS summary report said that about three quarters of men and women of reproductive age favor the RH Bill (53 percent strongly favor and 23 percent somewhat favor) while only 10 percent do not favor and 14 percent are undecided.

Following the result, de Leon earlier said the survey clearly shows that del Mar and Garcia’s position on the bill does not really reflect the true sentiments of their constituents.

De Leon said that if they really want to be representatives of the people of their districts, then they must do a turnaround and support the RH bill.

During the Women’s Day last March 8, former President Fidel V. Ramos made an urgent call for the passage of the RH Bill.

Ramos has been a strong supporter of the RH Bill and joined the ranks of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) calling on Congress to vote on the measure.

Earlier last week, House Majority Leader Neptali Gonzales II said he and Speaker Feliciano Belmonte Jr. are exploring the possibility of a vote on whether or not to terminate the period of debates on House Bill 4244 otherwise known as the RH bill, before sessions adjourn on March 21.

 Pro-RH Civil society organizations welcomed the proposal of Gonzales.

“We believe that it’s about time that Congress takes a vote on the RH Bill.  All of us, especially our women have been waiting for this law to be passed for more than ten years.  This is more than enough time to put the issues on the bill to rest and to finally take a stand and make a decision,” de Leon said.   - (THE FREEMAN)

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