Mike dares Tomas: File case against Oliva

CEBU, Philippines - Mayor Michael Rama yesterday challenged his critics, particularly Cebu City South District Representative Tomas Osmeña, to file charges against former city treasurer Ofelia Oliva if Osmeña believes that Oliva has violated the law.

“Give her day in court,” Rama said in reaction to the report that Oliva still has a pending case for unexplained wealth before the Department of Finance (DOF) -Revenue Integrity Protection Service.

Oliva, however, said she has already been cleared of the allegation. She said that another woman also named Ofelia Oliva owns the real properties and vehicles alleged to have been hers.

It was DOF Finance Secretary Cesar Purisima who told Rama that Oliva was again relieved from her post because of a case pending before the DOF-RIPS. Rama has asked Purisima to reconsider his order and allow Oliva to assume her post.

Last year, Osmeña successfully convinced the DOF Secretary to relieve Oliva from her post because of overstaying. As acting city treasurer, Oliva could only serve for one year, which can be extended twice for six months each. However, the grace period was reportedly already exhausted last year.

After Oliva was relieved from her post, she served as Rama’s financial analyst that helped in coming up his proposed P11.8 billion annual budget for 2012.

It was Oliva who placed the city’s P165 million under a five-year time deposit with the Philippine Veterans Bank and Osmeña’s wife, Councilor Margarita “Margot” Osmeña, said she will verify who authorized Oliva to do so without authority from the City Council.

Oliva said the city is earning about P700,000 every month from the six percent interest per annum of the P165 million time deposits. Rama said Oliva is scheduled to face reporters in a press conference today to answer the issues she has figured in.  (FREEMAN)

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