School director cleared of misconduct charges

CEBU, Philippines - Graft investigator Llorene Grace Ompod dismissed a complaint for grave abuse of authority filed against Dr. Nonadel Soriano, campus director of the Philippine State College of Aeronautics at the Mactan-Benito Ebuen Air Base in Lapu-Lapu City for lack of merit.

Ompod said in order to convince their office that there was probable cause based on the complaint filed, there should be enough evidence attached.

“From the evidence at hand, complainant failed to substantiate her allegations against respondent,” the decision read.

The complaint for grave abuse of authority/grave misconduct/conduct unbecoming of a public official was filed by part-time teacher Marites Jongdee Tapao against Soriano.

Tapao alleged when Soriano became the campus director during the second semester of the school year 2007-2008 two of her students Mabel Baguio and Jed Colegio failed to take the preliminary examination and were often absent prompting her to inform their department head Genesis Gabriel.

“Gabriel called the attention of the students to attend the class regularly and to cover up for their absences and to take the remaining examinations in the mid-term and finals to qualify them for the graduation. However, students ignored the advice of Gabriel,” she said.

During the deliberation of all the graduating students, all teachers were required to report about the academic performance of the graduating students. Tapao then brought to the attention of respondent about her two students who have failing mark due to the failure to take the major exams.

She said she submitted the grading sheets to the school registrar. However, Faith Rabe relayed to her the instructions of Soriano to allow the two students to take the exams, which she complied.

“I complied with the instructions, however, students still failed in their examinations,” she said.

Soriano allegedly directed her to retrieve the grading sheets from the Registrar’s Office and to change the grades of said students to passing grades which she hesitated to do as it constituted an academic crime.

“Respondent was very specific on her instruction that only the aforesaid students should be given passing marks as they were then graduating students,” she said.

She added because of her refusal to obey the respondent’s instructions, the respondent shouted at her through the phone that she will no longer receive teaching loads the next semester.

For the school year 2008-2009 complainant said she was not given by the respondent any teaching load. She likewise said she was deprived of her 13th month pay.

Soriano in her counter-affidavit clarified that Tapao was a part-time instructor whose contract had a definite date of expiration.

She admitted that she required all teachers to submit their grading sheets to the Registrar’s Office but denied directing the complainant to give examinations to the failing students and to retrieve the grading sheets and change their failing marks to passing grades.

She likewise denied threatening the complainant over the phone but said she did not renew her contract for loss of trust and confidence.

Soriano said the other part-time teachers were not rehired because of other reasons. As to the 13th month pay, she clarified that she has no authority over it as it was the responsibility of the main campus officials in Pasay City to determine the appropriateness of the benefits.

Ompod said she found the respondent was able to sufficiently explain the allegations of the complainants.

“Any allegations should be fully substantiated so as to sustain the complaint,” her decision read.     - THE FREEMAN

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