Cuenco to clip MARINA powers

CEBU, Philippines - Following his announcement to make a political comeback in 2013, former Cebu City South District representative Antonio Cuenco yesterday revealed that amending the charter of the Maritime Industry Authority would be one of his priority bills.

Cuenco eyes to limit the powers and functions of MARINA after hearing complaints from the shipowners about the alleged abuses of the agency.

Shipowners cried foul over the policy of MARINA to suspend the entire fleet of a shipping company if one of its ships is involved in sea accident.

Cuenco said he sympathize with the shipowners in Cebu who have fallen victims of the “unfair” policy.

“It is not fair for MARINA to suspend the entire shipping industry just because of one accident,” Cuenco said.

Chester Cokaliong, president of the Visayan Association of Ferry Boat and Coastwise Shipowners Operators (VAFCSO), earlier complained that Marina violated the “Domestic Shipping Development Act of 2004,” which prescribes that suspension of a shipping company would only be implemented “upon notice and hearing.”

This year, MARINA suspended the fleets of Trans-Asia Shipping Lines, Island Shipping and Weesam Express after some of their vessels experienced engine trouble at sea.

The three companies were reportedly penalized even before the hearing was conducted.

The shipping management was required to submit passengers and cargo manifests, other pertinent documents and measures undertaken by the management in assisting the passengers.

Most of the suspension orders were already issued by the MARINA without verifying the inspection to assess if the sea vessels were really seaworthy or not, said Cokaliong.  (FREEMAN

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