Man shot dead by neighbor

CEBU, Philippines - A multicab dispatcher was shot dead by his neighbor in Barangay Lunas, Asturias, northwestern town on Wednesday morning.

Israel Gemarino, 42, of Sitio Egay, Barangay Sta. Rita and temporarily residing in Barangay Lunas of the same town succumbed to four gunshot wounds in different parts of his body and severe head injuries.

He had lacerations on his head and face after he was hit with a wooden coconut shredder by suspect Renante Rebacca, 34.

Gemarino died on the spot while Rebacca fled on foot and was later arrested by the Asturias police during a manhunt operation in Sitio Panas, Barangay Sta. Lucia.

A few days before the incident, Rebacca allegedly received information from relatives that Gemarino planned to kill him and his family not later than November 2 prompting him to have it recorded in the police blotter.

 SPO Dennis Nocos, Asturias police investigator, said that on Wednesday morning, Rebacca approached Gemarino to settle the isse and apologize but Gemarino reportedly pulled out a gun tucked in his waist.

Rebacca grabbed the gun and shot Gemarino who was hit once on the chest.

Gemarino tried to run for cover but Rebacca chased him and shot him thrice, hitting the abdomen, back and right armpit. As the victim fell to the ground, Rebacca grabbed a wooden coconut shredder and hit Gemarino on the head and face.

 “Grabe kay na-halfmoon gud iyang nawong, gisi pud iyang upper lip,” Nocos said.

Gemarino was allegedly a known tough guy in the barangay and had been arrested for various crimes including illegal possession of firearms, robbery and for burning a motorcycle.  (FREEMAN)

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