Fire damage Court orders "Goliat", wife to pay neighbor

CEBU, Philippines - After losing a house to a fire four years ago, popular radio comedian Alejandro Nacorda also known as “Goliat” and his wife were ordered by the court to pay P150,000 for the damage the fire has caused to his neighbor’s house.

The Regional Trial Court has found the couple guilty of negligence which was allegedly the “proximate cause” of the fire that broke on January 24, 2007 in Barangay Quiot, Cebu City.

“In normal course of things, a room does not go up in flames, unless those who had charge of the room neglected to do what is normally required to keep it safe from fire,” a decision penned by RTC Judge Simeon Dumdum states.

Dumdum said, as owners of the house, the couple would have to answer for whatever damage their negligence has caused to their neighbor.

The case stemmed from a civil complaint for damages filed by spouses Medardo and Jocelyn Delfino against the Nacordas following a fire that originated from their son’s room.

The Delfinos said the fire broke out in the room occupied by Pluto due to an overheated flat iron. Jocelyn said it was the helper of the Nacordas who admitted to her that he forgot to unplug the electric iron.

The Nacordas, however, denied the allegation saying that during the incident they did not have an electric iron because it was being repaired. They said the unfortunate incident was purely accidental.

The Delfinos demanded P300,000 damages claiming that the amount was the original cost spent by them in the construction of their house. The complainants however failed to present documents to prove their claim.

Nevertheless, Dumdum awarded the Delfinos P150,000 for temperate damages and reimbursement of the litigation cost. — (FREEMAN)

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