Gangs join Suroy-Suroy, pledge to stop vandalism, criminality

CEBU, Philippines - More than 50 out of school youth in Minglanilla town belonging to groups Bloods, Crips and Hard Core joined the first day of the Suroy-Suroy Sugbo Southern Heritage Trail yesterday.

Their participation was Governor Gwendolyn Garcia’s treat to the youth groups after they signed a commitment to help the province in the campaign against vandalism and criminality in Minglanilla.

At the first stop in Minglanilla where participants had breakfast, a peace treaty was signed in the presence of Garcia, Vice Governor Agnes Magpale, Vice Mayor Elanito Peña and Association of Barangay Councils (ABC) President Manolo Delgado.

The groups formally declared their intention to stop hostilities, especially among themselves.

“The parties undertake to settle any dispute in which they may be involved by peaceful means, in such a manner that peace, security and justice are not jeopardized, and to refrain from the use of force in any manner inconsistent with the purposes of Philippine laws,” the treaty reads.

In order to fulfill the objectives of the treaty more effectively, the groups agreed to “develop their individual and collective capacity to resist violence” separately and jointly. They also agreed to have their leaders consult with each other from time to time as regards the implementation of the treaty. 

“This Treaty shall remain in force indefinitely,” the treaty reads.

Annabelle Simene, barangay captain of Poblacion Ward 3 in Minglanilla, said the members of Hardcore are being mobilized for the anti-graffiti campaign after they admitted responsibility over vandalism in the barangay.

Simene accompanied the 39 members of Hardcore while Pakigne Barangay Captain Vicente Abella accompanied nine members of Bloods and 19 members of Crips.

Around 300 participants joined the Suroy Suroy Sugbo, the last for this year, composed of local and few foreign tourists, representatives from the Department of Public Works and Highways, Commission on Audit, IBM, Armed Forces of the Philippines, Russian delegation, Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry and other guests. 

After Minglanilla, they visited Naga, San Fernando, Sibonga, Argao, Dalaguete, Alcoy and Boljoon. Today the participants will visit Oslob, Santander, Samboan, Ginatilan, Malabuyoc, Alegria, Badian and Moalboal. (FREEMAN)

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