ABC gets P3M aid from City Hall

CEBU, Philippines - The Cebu City Council has authorized the release of the P3-million assistance to the Association of Barangay Councils-Cebu City (ABC) to cover the latter’s maintenance and other operating expenses for this year.

During last week’s session, the council gave Mayor Michael Rama the go signal to sign a memorandum of agreement with the ABC headed by T. Padilla Captain Michael Ralota.

Being supportive of the barangay activities, the City is willing to provide financial assistance to the group for its operations and other programs.

The P3 million shall be specifically spent to defray the expenses of ABC on the purchase of supplies and materials worth P1.02 million, the souvenir pictures (framed) of 80 barangay officials worth P160,000, the upcoming year-end general assembly of barangay captains to cost P300,000 and the cost of ABC seal at P150,000.

The signage for barangay captains cost P120,000, the customized bulletin board cost P80,000 or P10,000 each barangay, the signage containing barangay profile with penal city ordinance cost P300,000 and the repair and renovation of ABC building cost P150,000.

The financial assistance shall be charged to the Barangay Aid Account.

The Local Government Code allows the league to receive assistance from local government units.

ABC has been receiving aid from the City Government but it was put on hold since last year for failure of the previous officers of the ABC to liquidate some transactions.

ABC apparently needs the financial assistance more this time because some barangays still fail to pay their proportionate share to the group.

During the latest general assembly of ABC, Ralota disclosed that about eight barangays have yet to pay their dues.

The board has decided to make the barangays sign a MOA with the ABC to compel them to pay their annual membership fee and other dues.

Some barangays however still said they will not sign the contract like barangay Basak-San Nicolas whose captain, George Rama, said he does not need the ABC because the money he is supposed to give to ABC as proportionate share was also spent to enroll his barangay workers and tanods in health and life insurance.

Rama said the ABC could not also stop them from availing of projects from the City Government. - THE FREEMAN

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