Boy who killed mom to be charged today

CEBU, Philippines - Charges for special complex crime of robbery with homicide are set to be filed today against the 16-year-old boy and Bryant Pansoy, 19, both accused of killing the minor’s pregnant mother and her five-year-old daughter in Barangay Naalad, Naga City, last Friday.

The case will be filed before the Naga City Prosecutor’s Office this morning.

Julius Ompad, chief of the Provincial Investigation and Detective Management Branch, said the case was decided based on the investigation and the evidence gathered by the Naga police.

“The police are now preparing all the affidavits needed for the filing of charges,” Ompad said.

He added that both were found to have had the intention of robbing the woman before the killing happened.

The minor reportedly killed his mother and younger stepsister after his mother refused to give him money to buy liquor. He reportedly pistol-whipped his mother, who was lying on a bamboo chair, in the head, before grabbing a knife and stabbing her repeatedly.

He then grabbed and stabbed his younger half-sister upon noticing that she was about to shout before shooting her in the head. 

The bloodstained gun, a .357 cal. revolver, was later recovered in the house of Pansoy.

The legal counsel of the CPPO also said that the case may be dismissed by the court if it will be filed without a certificate of discernment from the Department of Social Welfare and Development.

Ompad assured that the Women’s and Children’s Protection Desk of the Naga Police Station will follow this up.

Natividad Francia, an aunt of the minor suspect, said the boy started confiding to her what happened since she gave him a rosary last Saturday.

“Sukad adtong Sabado gihatagan nako og rosaryo anam-anam na siya og sulti, gidungog ang akong pag-ampo sa Ginoo,” Francia said.

Francia added that her nephew also said he was not alone during the commission of the crime.

Meanwhile, the Provincial Board has commended the Naga City police headed by Insp. Timmar Alam for the swift resolution of the double murder.

The PB yesterday passed the resolution sponsored by Board Members Julian Daan and Sergio Restauro who both represented the first congressional district of which Naga City is part.

Daan said that while the suspect is minor, he cannot escape liability if proven in court that he acted with discernment.

He also said the close-range gunshot wound the minor inflicted on his stepsister only worsens the legal problems of the teenager as the wound proves the suspect really intended to kill her.

Alam ordered the drug and paraffin test for the accused who reportedly confessed he was using drugs at the time of the killing.

Aside from the autopsy report, Alam said they recovered the suspect’s bloodstained shirt, shorts and towel from the nipa hut where he was staying.   - (THE FREEMAN)

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