Trader pleads not guilty to libel case

CEBU, Philippines - Businessman James Philip Tionko pleaded not guilty to a libel case filed against him by Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama last year.

During his arraignment before Judge Generosa Labra of Regional Trial Court Branch 23 yesterday one of his lawyers Edgar Gica said the case was very defective as only Tionko is facing the libel case.

“The case is very defective. Why was the publication not included, why is it only Tionko?” Gica said. Tionko’s other lawyer is Nilo Seno.

Gica added the statement of Tionko was not libelous as the drugs cases here in Cebu existed.

Rama filed the libel case against Tionko on April 28, 2010 claiming the latter allegedly made libelous statements against him during the campaign period.

Rama said Tionko allegedly said that he was a “public enemy number one” because of his alleged drug links.

The statement of Tionko, Rama said, dishonored him and his family.

However, Tionko said the allegations that Rama is a “drug lord protector” did not originate from him, claiming he based his statements against Rama on printed reports.

He added he did not maliciously implicate Rama in an act which would dishonor him and his family.

Tionko ran for Cebu City councilor as an independent candidate in 2010 but lost.

Last month Tionko went to court to post a bail of P10,000 for his temporary liberty. (FREEMAN)


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