Two indicted for malversation

CEBU, Philippines - Two government employees were indicted for malversation after they failed to justify their accountabilities.

Graft investigator Jane Aguilar found probable cause to charge Sta. Fe town local revenue collection officer Wilma Suico for malversation of public funds for her personal use of P1,088,298.52.

Aguilar recommended P40,000 for Suico’s temporary liberty.

The complainant of the case was the public assistance and corruption prevention office.

In their joint affidavit, state auditors Esperanza Obatay and Filomena Luna, who conducted the cash and accountabilities check on Suico on June 18, 2007, said they found she had a cash shortage of P1,088,298.52.

The demand letter was sent to Suico on June 21, 2007 telling her to immediately produce the missing funds, and to submit a written explanation why the shortage was incurred, within three days.

On June 26 Suico submitted a letter and asked for more time to produce the missing funds but she failed to do so.

Graft investigator Aguilar directed Suico to file her counter-affidavit and position paper to deny the allegations against her but she failed to submit these.

Aguilar said it was established through evidence presented that the P1,088,298.52 was missing and Suico only accounted and deposited P207,063.87.

Meanwhile, Philippine Army Capt. Ramilino Aspiras, assigned to Fort Andres Bonifacio, Taguig City, has also been charged for malversation.

Graft investigator Christian Yap recommended P30,000 for Aspiras’ temporary liberty.

Complainant Editha Dichos, supply accountable officer of the Armed Forces of the Philippines Central Command in Camp Lapu-Lapu, Barangay Apas, Cebu City, filed the case against Aspiras after the latter allegedly failed to return radio equipments issued to him in line with his duties.

Dichos said the ICON radio set, a battery pack and a charger had the total value of P10,084. Dichos said he sent demand letters to Aspiras but the latter failed to return.

Aspiras likewise failed to submit his counter-affidavit to refute the charges against him. — (FREEMAN)

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