DILG: League has no place at ABC board

CEBU, Philippines - The Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) rejected the bid of the Barangay Councilors League of the Philippines-Cebu Chapter (BCLP) for a permanent seat in the Association of Barangay Councils as an ex-officio member.

DILG-7 Director Pedro Noval said that the contention of BCLP President Franklin Ong has no legal basis, as there is nothing in the Local Government Code nor in any other law that provides that the president of BCLP shall become an ex-officio member of the board of directors of ABC.

BCLP passed a resolution requesting the ABC for a seat in the board so the 560 barangay councilors in 80 barangays in Cebu City will be properly represented.

ABC President Michael Ralota forwarded the BCLP resolution to the DILG-7 for opinion.

BCLP hopes that the barangay councilors will be given equal attention in terms of programs and projects for the barangays.

They also hoped that the ABC will be even more fruitful and more development projects will be implemented in the barangays if the councilors and captains are able to share ideas.

The ABC board comprises of eight barangay captains from the north and south districts. (FREEMAN)

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