City accredits more disaster volunteers

CEBU, Philippines - The Cebu City Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council accredited more volunteers to join the city’s rescue team in times of disasters and calamities.

The LDS Seagull Rescue International Inc.-Philippine Coast Guard Auxiliary, a non-government organization duly registered to the Security of Exchange Commission, has volunteered to be part of the city government’s resources in responding to general alarms especially when at risk lives of people.

“LDS Seagull hopes to lengthen the stride throughout the church in responding to the call of service and sacrifice through physically competent and spiritually matured group of men and women,” the group said.

Seagull rescue has over 40 volunteers who are all professionals in their respective careers.

They are training over 50 more to double their capability to help the city and the whole Cebu community. LDS Seagull Rescue has counterparts in other parts of the country such as Manila and Bacolod City.

The first Seagull was formed in 1998 by missionaries in Bacolod

The members of the Seagull Rescue started their series of trainings last November.

During the recent Sinulog Festival, they had their first successful assignment by working together with the Bureau of Fire Protection.

Currently, the group responds to collapsed structure alarms, medical rescue, emergency rescue, water rescue and disaster management.

They have three rubber boats, scuba diving equipment and other emergency response equipment.

They operate through member’s personal resources and a little help from other sectors.

Since 1998, LDS Seagull has over 300 volunteers in 15 chapters nationwide. (FREEMAN)

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