Barangay captain, 7 others to face anti-graft charges

CEBU, Philippines - The Office of the Ombudsman-Visayas ordered the filing of anti-graft charges against San Roque Barangay Captain Rogelio Ruizo and seven other barangay officials for their questionable disbursement of public funds.

Deputy Ombudsman Pelagio Apostol concurred with the findings of graft investigator Maria Regina Fernandez, who found Ruizo and other respondents liable of the charges filed by former barangay councilman Lidiore “Boy” Miranda.

The refusal of Ruizo to furnish Miranda of the copies of the minutes of their council meetings gave investigators a hint that the respondents were hiding something.

Fernandez said council members are entitled to a copy of the minutes without need for a request.

Other respondents are Councilmen Florentino Mauping Jr., Julieta Balcon, Leonarda Pepito, Mario Pamolarco, Alex Sillos, April Jane Salas and ex-councilman Julius Mendoza.

Aside from making a general denial, Fernandez said the respondents failed to explain why the late barangay captain Telesforo Rabaya’s name was included as participant of an event in July 2009.

Rabaya died in March 2004.

Fernandez said the list appeared to be genuine. The respondents did not question its authenticity.

“It appears that the list was already on file…and was used to justify and liquidate the budget appropriated by respondents for the event,” Fernandez said.

Apostol explained that the respondents can’t pass the buck to Gender and Development (GAD) focal person Ligaya Britania because it is their responsibility to oversee all activities of the barangay.

Although Sillos was one of the respondents, he executed an affidavit supporting Miranda’s complaint. He claimed that their barangay secretary asked him to sign resolutions that were not discussed during their sessions and included Miranda’s name although he was not present. The secretary told Sillos this was upon Ruizo’s instructions.

“Bahala na ang akong abogado nga motubag anang maong kaso,” said Ruizo. (My lawyer will answer the charges in court.) — (FREEMAN)

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