Man denies raping nursing student

CEBU, Philippines - A 27-year-old man who was charged for three counts of rape pleaded not guilty during his arraignment yesterday.

Jason Ng, assisted by his legal counsels, entered a not guilty plea.

He was accused of raping a nursing student last October 19, 24 and 25, 2006, an allegation that he strongly denied in his counter-affidavit.

Ng was put behind bars last November, or four years after the complaint was lodged against him.

The Office of the Prosecutor, through Prosecutor Jose Nathaniel Andal, in a resolution dated February 9, 2007 stated: “As much as the undersigned would want to dwell on this matter with circumspect, it is but difficult to ascertain who between the parties is really telling the truth, as this require a judicious evaluation that can only be attained through a full blown trial.”

Andal added that there are evidentiary matters beyond the scope of preliminary investigation, which is limited only to determining the existence of probable cause to hold respondent on trial.

The victim, in her affidavit, said she lost consciousness on October 19, 2006 while she and the accused were riding a jeepney after drinking juice. When she regained her consciousness, she was already at the apartelle unit of Ng, already naked. She said she was forced to have sexual intercourse with him.

On October 24, 2006, another sexual encounter allegedly occurred after the accused “threatened” to expose her naked photos and videos by sending these to their dean.

Afraid, she acceded to the demand for sex in exchange for the naked photos and videos but these were not given to her.

On October 25, 2006 she was again threatened and because of her need to get the photos and videos, she said yes. When Ng refused to give her these, she decided to report the matter to her mother and the police.

Ng, in his counter-affidavit, called the accusations “preposterous, groundless and inhuman.”

Ng admitted he had sexual intercourse with the student but stressed she consented to it. — (FREEMAN)

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