Nepotism charges vs. ex-brgy chief

CEBU, Philippines - The Office of the Ombudsmans denied the motion for reconsideration filed by former barangay captain Jose Forrosuelo, Sr., who insisted that there was no nepotism in his hiring of Merlinda Fernandez as acting barangay secretary of Kabangbang, Bantayan, Cebu.

Graft prosecutor Pio Dargantes said that Forrosuelo’s motion could not reverse the resolution dated January 15, 2009 finding probable cause to elevate the case.

Forrosuelo had said that Fernandez’s appointment was not covered by the law on nepotism. He said it was valid and made in accordance with existing laws, thus did not violate any law.

However, Dargantes claimed that the appointment of Fernandez was indeed a violation because the two were relatives. The Local Government Code prohibits the appointment of any person to the position of barangay secretary when the appointee was a relative of the punong barangay.

This case stemmed from a complaint filed by Jupiter Stalin Larida and Jeffrey Lerida for violation of the Local Government Code. — THE FREEMAN

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