Two men hack, maul vendor

CEBU, Philippines – A bread vendor landed at the hospital after two men hacked and mauled him while he was on his way home after collecting payments for the bread he sold in Sitio Lubas, Barangay Camp 7, Minglanilla Saturday afternoon.

Marito Cabarrubias, 36, resident of Barangay Sinsin, Cebu City, sustained several lacerated wounds and bruises but able to survive by running away and seeking help from the residents.

According to the police, Cabarrubias was driving his motorcycle from Sitio Campinsa bound for Sitio Lubas when upon reaching the boundary of the two sitios, he noticed a tree trunk blocking the road that prompted him to stop.

The victim allegedly believes the tree trunk was intentionally placed on the road as after he stopped his vehicle, two men suddenly appeared and one of them clobbered him using a piece of wood causing him to fall to the ground.   While Cabarrubias was slumped on the ground, the other suspect allegedly hacked him using a bolo, estimated to be 15 inches long, hitting him in the head, left hand and lower left eye.

Cabbarubias tried to defend himself and ran away towards (Camp 6) Barangay Manipis, Talisay City and asked assistance from the residents who immediately brought him to Visayas Community Medical Center in Cebu City.

PO2 Jade Abrica of Minglanilla Police Station said they are looking at either business rivalry or robbery as motive of the incident. The police officer however added the suspects did not take the victim's valuables.

"Basin nakasala ni siya ngadtong dapita or istrikto kaayo kung maningil maong gidumtan," Abrica said.

Cabarrubias said the suspects do not look familiar to him. (FREEMAN)

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