175 detainees vote in special precinct

CEBU, Philippines – Detainees of the Talisay City jail in barangay Maghaway numbering 175 voted in a special polling precinct yesterday.

Jail warden Renante Rubio said there are 335 inmates of which 98 percent of them are city residents.

All detainees had registered in barangay Maghaway even if they are residents of other barangays in the city.

Rubio said all detainees were made to register in barangay Maghaway since a voter only needs six months stay in a certain barangay to be able to vote in a barangay where he is currently staying.

Rubio also said most detainees have already spent more than six months in the jail.

However, there are still other inmates who failed to vote yesterday because their names have been deleted from the Comelec list for their failure to vote in previous elections.

At 7 a.m. yesterday, the Special Board of Elections Teller (SBET) arrived at the city jail.

The precinct was open for voting only until 12 noon since the ballot boxes were still to be brought to the Maghaway Elementary school for segregation. (FREEMAN)

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