Task force in Mandaue seizes hot meat

CEBU, Philippines – A task force sent out by the city veterinarian in Mandaue City seized Monday afternoon 39.2 kilos of hot meat that was being sold inside the city public market.

City veterinarian Dr. Daisy Penetrante said the meat was not covered with a certification from the city's abattoir nor did it bear slaughterhouse marks.

Penetrante, who heads the task force, had warned the erring vendor to refrain from selling such meat again otherwise he would be penalized.

She said to protect consumers from succumbing to unsafe meat, a city ordinance which makes it unlawful to sell meat of animals butchered outside of the abattoir has to be enforced.

The task force keeps a 24-hour watch over meat that comes from the slaughterhouse and which goes to the public market.

The city abattoir is capable of butchering 500 head of livestock per day.

Opened in 2003, the city abattoir is now mechanized and the city government is seeking a double AA accreditation from the National Meat Inspection Service (NMIS). (FREEMAN)

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