PAO messenger arrested for drunkenness, boxing cop

CEBU, Philippines – A messenger of the Public Attorney's Office is in hot water for punching one of the policemen who placed him under arrest for drunkenness.

Investigation showed that the messenger, Randy Miñoza, 32, allegedly went wild around 1am yesterday and was challenging people to a fight while walking from his residence in Barangay Capitol Site to the Fuente Circle.

Elements of the Fuente Police Station who responded to the alarm arrested Miñoza near the police station and locked him up inside the cell at the back of the mobile car.

However, when they reached the police station and opened the cell to let Miñoza out, the suspect threw a punch on PO1 Nemesio Paragsa's face, which wounded the policeman's lip. Paragsa's did not have a choice but apply force on Miñoza to place him inside the detention cell at the police station. 

Miñoza reportedly still managed to challenge Sr. Insp. Michael Bastes, chief of the Fuente Police, to a fist fight while he was being escorted to the detention cell. Bastes was out of the station at that time.

Miñoza is facing charges for direct assault; alarm and scandal; and drunkenness. (FREEMAN)

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