Judge frees two men

CEBU, Philippines – Regional Trial Court Judge Macaundas Hadjirasul freed two men who were tagged as possessing "shabu" after the evidence against them were not sufficient to prove their guilt.

Anjolis Romo and Glen Parba, in separate decisions, were acquitted of the crime for violation of the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act.

Hadjirasul found lack of proof presented by the prosecution.

The Cebu City jail warden was ordered to release Pabra. The evidence presented was declared forfeited in favor of the government.

Pabra was arrested in November 2007 for alleged possession of two heat-sealed transparent plastic packs of shabu and illegal drugs paraphernalia.

He pleaded not guilty during his arraignment.

Forensic Chemist Rendelyn Sahagun who examined the subject packs of shabu testified that the substance has the presence of dangerous drugs. This was corroborated by SPO1 Alejandro Batobalonos

Batobalonos said they were armed with a search warrant and chased Pabra but the latter was able to jump to a creek. The police did not catch him so they proceeded to what they believed was the house of Pabra and recovered shabu and drug paraphernalia.

Pabra said he did not know anything about the charges. Also, the raid was at the house of his grandmother whose house was away from his.

Hadjirasul said the police did not seize "shabu" from the "actual physical possession" and the accused was not in the house when the search was made by the police.

Meanwhile, Hadjirasul's decision said that there was no proof that the sachets seized from Romo were the same ones presented in court. (FREEMAN)

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