DSWD starts program against violence on women

More than 50 men from the Department of Social Welfare and Development -7 have pledged to fight violence against women and children after they were installed as members of Men Oppose to Violence Against Women Everywhere or MOVE-7.

Their installation was made during the culminating program of the Women’s Month held at SM City-Cebu.

Violence Against Women (VAW) is defined as ‘any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in physical, sexual or mental harm or suffering to women, including threats such as acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or private life.”

Dr. Hermes Ibon said VAW continues to be a major social and public health problem affecting thousands of women not only in the Philippines but in the world.

Most of the studies indicate that men are the usual perpetrators of VAW.

“There is a need to involved men in movements to end violence against women, focusing on their role and responsibilities and emphasize that they are part of the solution,” Ibon said.

An initiative of the National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women (NCRFW), MOVE has been organized with male members coming from various organizations.

MOVE members are men who dedicated themselves to be actively involved in eliminating all forms of violence or discrimination against women.

Elected into office were president - Mr. Edwin Polancos, vice president - Petronio Antipala, secretary - Antonio Dolaota, treasure - Edward Dapiton, and auditor - James Philip Padillo. — Johanna T. Natavio/LPM   Mitchelle L. Palaubsanon with CNU intern Mellanie Joy C. Rosales/MEEV

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