Politicians told to respect graduation rites

CEBU, Philippines - Because it is election season, it is inevitable for politicians to take advantage of the graduation rites to campaign, but Education Secretary Jesli Lapus appealed to them to respect the solemnity of the occasion.

While the Department of Education does not prohibit schools from inviting politicians as guest speakers during graduation ceremonies, Lapus said they have to see to it that they must speak on something that inspire the graduates.

He, however, admitted that this is something very hard to implement. “Graduation should not be a political event but on the practical side that will be very hard to implement.”

Lapus said that politicians who make graduation ceremonies as venue to attack their opponents rather than focusing on giving inspiration to the graduates should not be voted for.

“All of us remember our graduation so we want to remember it as something that what we hear and what we see are all pleasant and positive energy,” he said.

He reminded candidates to spare the schools along with other government infrastructures from posting political propaganda.

The Education secretary said he wants to maintain schools as a neutral zone, calling on the teachers not to engage in partisan activities.

Aside from seeing to it that graduation rites are solemn, Lapus said it should also be less expensive.

“We would like graduation to be solemn and austere so that all children will be able to actively participate regardless of whether their parents are financially capable or not,” Lapus said.

According to Lapus, graduations should be held inside the school campus because holding it outside would entail expenses. — Fred P. Languido/LPM(FREEMAN NEWS)


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