Public warned against "unsafe" cosmetic products

CEBU, Philippines - The Department of Health Food and Drugs Administration (DOH-FDA) warns the public from buying cosmetic products that they have recently declared as “imminently injurious, unsafe or dangerous” because they were found to contain heavy metal, specifically mercury, exceeding the allowable limit.

Three varieties of Jiaoli products such as “Jiaoli Miraculous Cream,” “Jiaoli Huichusu Special Cut Genuine” and “Jiaoli 2+1 seven days Clearing Facial Spots Suit” were identified with dangerous level of mercury determined to be more than the allowable one part per million containment.

“Cosmetic products containing such impurities or contaminants that are way beyond the allowable limit are outright misbranded and the importation, distribution, selling or offering for sale is in direct violation of Food and Drug Administration Act of 2009,” according to FDA circular no. 2010-002 issued in January this year.

Rica Aumentado, FDA-7 officer-in-charge reported that last week, their monitoring and inspection team has confiscated at least 71 boxes of Jiaoli products from seven out of nine establishments inspected.

These establishments were malls and mostly Chinese drug stores as the products were believed to be manufactured from China because their packages are mostly labeled in Chinese characters.

Aside from the 71 boxes confiscated, which are now under FDA custody, some 478 boxes were sealed but remained in the possession of the violating stores as they refused to voluntarily submit the recalled products.

Aumentado said that some stores did not surrender the products to the DOH for various reasons and one of which was the absence of the store owner during the inspection.

She however assured that FDA already sent notice of violation for selling unregistered products to the seven establishments.

Mercury is a highly toxic heavy metal with no safe level for humans as it accumulates in almost all parts of the body, affecting the nervous system, cardiovascular system, immune and reproductive system.

Mercury poisoning may be shown in symptoms like trembling, loss of coordination, loss of memory, depression, anxiety and other personality changes. — Jessica Ann R. Pareja/WAB   (FREEMAN NEWS)

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