Diesel, gas pump prices off by P1

CEBU, Philippines - Pryce Gases Inc., a leading player in the petroleum industry in the Visayas and in Mindanao, is slashing down pump prices of its gasoline and diesel products by at least P1 per liter effective today, September 1, despite the world oil price uptrend in the recent weeks.

The company decided it can still roll back the oil pump prices in all of its gas stations after thorough assessment of its pricing components. However, the company is uncertain whether another round of rollbacks is possible in the coming weeks.

This is seen as a welcome relief for the weary consumers who have long hoped for a reprieve from the round of successive price increases. Consumers are hoping other players may follow suit. A certain Bonex, who drives a public utility jeepney for a living, said “lipay kaayo ko aning sayo nga Pinaskohan.” — PR/MEEV   (FREEMAN NEWS)   

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