Lorega asking for flood-control measures

CEBU, Philippines - Barangay Lorega San Miguel wants immediate flood control infrastructures be implemented in their barangay.

To prevent three sitios from being flooded, Lorega San Miguel barangay captain Fritzgerald Herera requested the city council to undertake two important flood mitigating actions.

Herera in a letter sent to Cebu City Mayor Tomas Osmeña through councilor Sylvan Jakosalem said that sitios Caimito, Kawayanan and Creekside-Riverside were very much affected by the heavy downpour that happened earlier this month.

These sitios, according to Herera are along Busay-Lahug Creek and were inhabited by indigents.

“With the continuous rains last July 13 and 14 , the undersigned is very sorry with the predicament experienced by the people in the three sitios, the waters from the creek rose considerably, spilling most of its water towards the houses of the residents,” Herera said,

He said when he made an inspection the level of water was above the knee of an average person and belongings of the residents were afloat or soaked in water.

Herera suggested that a massive dredging of the riverbeds has to be undertaken to increase the depth and to increase the height of the riprap or the walls along the river banks so that the flood waters will not tend to overflow in cases of heavy downpour.

To this, Jakosalem authored a resolution asking the City Engineering Office to immediately come up with a Program of Works to realize Herera’s suggestions. The program of works is needed for funding.

The CEO was recently tasked to consolidate all problems on flooding and drainage in all barangays. — Ferliza C. Contratista/BRP (THE FREEMAN)

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