Sleeping man stabbed by neighbor

CEBU, Philippines - A man is now fighting for his dear life after he was stabbed several times by his neighbor over personal grudge on J.M. Basa Street, Barangay Sawang Calero early morning last Sunday.

The victim, Carlo Abejar, 43, a laborer, sustained stabbed wounds on his chin, left shoulder and neck and is now in serious condition at the Cebu City Medical Center.

Based on the investigation conducted by the police, Abejar was sleeping on top of a table in front of the house of his neighbor, Nena Garcia, when Adriano Magta, 50, approached him and without any provocation suddenly stabbed him several times before fleeing on foot.

It was alleged that Magta has a personal grudge against t the victim. — Niña G. Sumacot/WAB (THE FREEMAN)

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