Man arrested for possession of drugs, firearm

CEBU, Philippines - Police yesterday placed a man under arrest after a search of his residence in the interior portion of barangay Pasil yielded packs of shabu, drug paraphernalia, and an unlicensed firearm.

Arrested was Ronald Blanza, 38, alias “Kogtong,” an alleged drug pusher.

Twenty-seven policemen from the San Nicolas police searched Blanza’s house past 4am yesterday by virtue of a warrant issued by Regional Trial Court Judge Silvestre Maamo. Raulito Delos Reyes, councilman of San Nicolas, and two tanods of the barangay witnessed the search.

The search team arrived while Blanza and his family were still asleep.

The team subsequently recovered 23 sachets of shabu, a digital weighing scale, a plastic sealer and one improvised other, 13 pieces of rolled tin foil, empty assorted plastic packs, two improvised burners, a glass tooter, two disposable lighters, and a scissor.

The team also found a .38 caliber pistol and an air gun with CO2 in the house, reportedly displayed in plain view.

Blanza is currently detained and is facing charges for possession of drugs and unlicensed firearm. – Niña G. Sumacot/JMO (THE FREEMAN)

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