CentCom to check whether militant is in Order of Battle

CEBU, Philippines - Military and police officials said they have yet to verify if the regional chairman of the militant group Bagong Alyansang Makabayan who filed the first petition for habeas data in the Visayas is indeed included in their order of battle against suspected rebels.

Central Command spokesman Maj. Christopher Tampus yesterday said that while they do have an order of battle against suspected rebels they still have to verify if Bayan Central Visayas chairman Paul Rodriguez is in the list as he claims.

Rodriguez earlier filed a petition before the Regional Trial Court to force the military and police officials to produce the alleged documents that were made as basis for his inclusion in the order of battle.

Tampus said that they have not yet received the legal copy of the allegations of Rodriguez and the petition he filed against them. They are also waiting to see what charges were filed against Centcom.

“We don’t see any reason maapil siya sa list, but we are to verify,” said Tampus, who claimed that Rodriguez is a “friend” of their unit.

Tampus said that of the three levels of secrecy in the military (secret, top secret and confidential), the order of the battle is a top secret matter and Centcom cannot divulge the contents of the order of the battle to the public unless compelled by the court.

Centcom legal counsel Maj. Burt Pades said that upon receipt of the said copy of petition, they have five working days to answer.

Tampus said they will also check police records if Rodriguez has a pending warrant of arrest.

“Maybe, naa siya’y kagahapon na dili maayo, wa ta kahibalo…Ngano mahadlok man siya dakpon ug wala siya’y sala?” Tampus said.

Tampus said they also have to ask Rodriguez how he got a copy of the order of battle which is updated yearly.

“Maybe this could be propaganda to malign the reputation of Centcom,” Tampus said.

Rodriguez reportedly said that on May 2008 he came across a document with a heading “order of battle of the Central Visayas Regional Party Command” that allegedly contained his name and that of other militant leaders Jaime Paglinawan, Ramon Patriarca, Sergio Repuela and Demetrio Carnece.

The petition for habeas data is one of the remedies available under the Supreme Court Administrative Order 08-1-16 that took effect in February last year. — Niña Chrismae G. Sumacot/BRP   (THE FREEMAN)

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