So far, 3 councilors to go bald for Tomas

CEBU ­– Three city councilors said yesterday they are willing to go bald to show support to Mayor-on-leave Tomas Osmeña who might come home to Cebu next month if permitted by his doctors in the United States.

Councilors Sylvan Jakosalem, Augustus Pe, and Edwin Jagmoc said they would not mind sporting a new look if only to show support to the father of their political group, the Bando Osmeña- Pundok Kauswagan.

“The Mayor is also the father of BOPK, so why not? I had been bald in 2004, so it’s not new to me,” Jakosalem said. Pe also echoed the sentiment. Jagmoc, on the other hand, said he is just waiting for the go signal to shave his head.

Meanwhile, Councilor Rodrigo Abellanosa merely referred to the bald look as “cute” while acting vice mayor Hilario Davide III and Councilor Jose Daluz said they would choose to go with their present look.

Osmeña has lost his hair due to chemotherapy to treat his cancer of the urinary bladder.

During a live feed from Houston, Texas at the finale of the Sinulog Grand Parade, Osmeña’s son Miguel was shown with a bald head, apparently in support of his father, which has set the example for Osmeña’s allies.

While refusing to be named, Osmeña supporters have expressed willingness to go bald to support the mayor.

Albeit the last say would be that of his doctors, Osmeña is looking into the possibility of returning to Cebu after his fifth chemotherapy session and a scheduled complete physical checkup to determine the progress of his treatment next month.

Osmeña found blood in his urine during the campaign for the 2007 elections but brushed it aside as due to stress. But blood was found again in his urine last September 30.

This prompted him to go for a medical checkup at Chong Hua Hospital and his attending physician told him they found a mass on his urinary bladder.

His sister Minnie quickly advised him to fly to the United States to undergo surgery.

He, nevertheless, said he feels good and feels a little stronger at the moment. — Ferliza C. Contratista/JMO (THE FREEMAN)

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