Wanted man falls in Oslob

CEBU – After six years of hiding, one of Oslob town’s most wanted men was captured in sitio Camburong, barangay Poblacion last Monday afternoon. SPO4 Isagani Tinapay said Carmelo Silangan, alias “Melo”, 32, a resident of the place, was arrested by policemen after a concerned citizen told them the fugitive was at the fiesta celebration of the barangay. 

Silangan was accused of raping a 17-year-old girl in 2002 and had been hiding since.

“Nagpasalamat g’yud mi pag maayo sa mga katawhan nga nagpakabana sa pagsumbong diri namo nga naa diay ang dugay nang gipangita nga suspetsado kay kung kami gud dili mi taga dinha so dako gyud kaayo ug ikatabang ang mga katawhan ug molambo sad gyud ta basta naay coordination ngadto nila,” Tinapay said. The suspect is now detained at the Oslob Police Station.   — Christopher Gabriel Bonjoc/BRP (THE FREEMAN)

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