Woman, son charged for selling illegal drugs

CEBU - The Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency yesterday filed charges against a mother and son for selling shabu during a buy bust operation last Friday that left one PDEA asset wounded.

Charged for violating the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act were Sherwin Entera, 21, and his mother, Maria Lilia, 46.

They were placed under arrest for selling shabu after 13 small packs were seized from them. PDEA also seized a blue transparent plastic container where the sachets of shabu were placed.

In an affidavit, IO1 Ferdinand Kintanar and IO4 Jun Navales said they were the ones who acted as poseur-buyers and pretended to buy P300 worth of shabu from Maria Lilia. The operation was conducted at the suspects’ house in Carbon.

When they told her their purpose of looking for her son, Maria reportedly told them, “Naa mi daghan butang dong dagko pa ug bahig, naay tag P300 ug P600.” Lilia also allegedly demanded the money from them before giving the shabu.

The mother and son were arrested upon a signal but still unidentified suspects fired and hit one PDEA asset when the buy-bust team was pulling out of the area. The asset is currently in critical condition after being hit on the back. —Jasmin R. Uy/JMO (THE FREEMAN)

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