Cebu hosts Catholic Charismatic Congress

CEBU - In the vision of a spirit-filled community from a stronger charismatic evangelization, Cebu will host the 5th National Catholic Charismatic Congress, a convention of leaders and members of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal set on May 28 to 31, 2009.

Charismatic leaders across the country will be the main participants of the congress that will focus on the theme “Spirit-filled Communities Growing Together as the Body of Christ.”

Nationally recognized speakers, bishops and archbishops will deliver speeches on different issues on the role of the charismatic communities in their various work of evangelization.

From these speeches and other activities, delegates shall unite to discern and formulate a statement that will be considered the outcome of the event as it shall tell about the impact made by the event.

It is in time with the year of the 75th jubilee celebration of Cebu as an Archdiocese that gave all out support in the preparation for the event. According to Cebu Archbishop Ricardo Cardinal Vidal said it will be held during the “holy year for the archdiocese.”

During the congress’ press conference and launching yesterday at the Cardinal’s Residence, Vidal welcomed the upcoming event and acknowledged the significance of charismatic evangelization to Cebu being a dynamic and effective instrument in the transformation of lives of millions of individuals.

Vidal said it is a great privilege for Cebu since the congress would also culminate the celebration of the Pentecost of the Nations that will be held at Cebu Coliseum simultaneous with Catholic charismatic groups in many other countries in the world.

The Pentecost of the Nations is the celebration for the coming of the Holy Spirit as cited in Acts of the Apostles Chapter two, which said “When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together. And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were. Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues, as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim.”

Vidal assured the organizer of the event of his humble prayer for the success of the important celebration of the Catholic Church.

CCR Epispocal Vicar Msgr. Fred Kriekenbeek said he hopes that there will be interaction with the Christian community to make the congress fruitful, adding that CCR expect the congress to help participants become renewed to spread the Gospel of Christ for the betterment of the community.

Cebu has over 1,200 parish-based communities or charismatic groups providing services for Christians to help them grow in the love and power of Jesus Christ.

Kriekenbeek said these groups conduct formations, encourage going to mass every Sabbath day, read the scriptures, adoration and other suggested activities for Christian growth that lead to spirit-filled life.

Kriekenbeek said that there are over six million Filipinos who are part of charismatic communities.

They are in different levels of growth and commitment but the church is doing its best to achieve their mission of involving everyone to turn from their old ways and start living a spirit-filled lives. — Jessica Ann Pareja/WAB  (THE FREEMAN)

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