Man hacks boy and two women

CEBU - Two women and a boy were severely wounded when an 18-year-old man barged into their house and hacked them several times in sitio Bandilaan, barangay Bagay, Daanbantayan at dawn yesterday.

Rachel Casas, 22, single, is now in critical condition due to several hack wounds on her head. One of her fingers was also cut off and her hands and arms are nearly severed as she tried to protect her head against the attacks of Radley Adarlo, 18, single.

Her mother, Cipriana sustained injuries in her head, face, eyes and hands and other parts of her body while the child, John Clifford Brilliante, 8, sustained hack wounds on his left shoulder.

The victims were rushed to Daanbantayan District Hospital but due to their serious wounds, they were later transferred to the Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center in Cebu City for further treatment.

Reports said that at around 1 a.m. yesterday, barangay tanod Joel Yaun noticed a commotion inside the victims’ house after he arrived home from work at the barangay hall.

Yaun said he heard from his neighbors’ house a woman crying for help prompting him to verify and saw the bloodied Rachel.

The barangay tanod immediately asked the help of another neighbor, barangay councilor Elmer Bontia and immediately brought the victims to the hospital.

Yaun and Bontia then proceeded to Daanbantayan Police Station to report the incident for the conduct of follow up operation.

Investigations revealed that Adarlo entered the house of the victims without any warning and attacked them several times using a sharp bolo.

A team composed of SPO2 Cesar Alburo, SPO2 Nero Manzanares and PO2 Mario Versoza conducted a follow-up operation that led to the arrest of the suspect.

The team also recovered a cut finger and the handle of the bolo that used in the crime inside the house of the victims.

During interrogation, Adarlo admitted hacking the victims but denied he had grudge against them.

“Adto man gani ko manghuwam og cellphone sa iyaha (Rachel). Wa gyud ko sa hunahuna atong higayuna, Sir,” Adarlo told The FREEMAN during an interview in his detention cell. — Gregg M. Rubio/WAB (THE FREEMAN)

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