Attempted rape raps filed against habal-habal driver

A motorcycle-for-hire driver in Barili town now faces charges for attempted rape after he allegedly tried to rape a married neighbor in barangay Bitoon last June 13.

Myra Labora, 34, yesterday filed the charges before the Provincial Prosecutors Office accusing her neighbor, Allan Barberona, of trying to rape her the other month.

In her sworn affidavit, Labora who is married to a seaman said that she knew the suspect personally as she and Barberona are neighbors in barangay Balao. In fact, Barberona and his wife would sometimes take a bath in her house and borrow money from her, she said.

The victim had sworn that at 2 p.m. of June 13, Barberona was having a drink with a friend in her store while she was watching television inside her house.

The suspect entered her house and asked her to go with him as “he has something important to say” to her. But Labora refused as she was watching her favorite program on TV at that time. 

Labora further stated that at around 4 p.m., the suspect again asked her to go with him to the market, as again, he “has something important to say” to her.  She agreed to go with him onboard the suspect’s motorcycle but Barberona didn’t drive to the market, saying he is “worried somebody might see them together.”

Instead, the suspect took the victim to a videoke bar where he drank beer.

Having already a drink too many, Labora said that the suspect asked her to drive the habal-habal as he couldn’t make it anymore. The victim gave in to the request of the suspect.

Upon reaching a secluded grassy lot in barangay Bitoon, Barberona asked Labora to stop as he would want to urinate.

After answering to the call of nature, the suspect went back to where the victim was waiting for him. Suddenly, Barberona began touching her private parts, she said, telling her how much he liked her, and then moved on to rape her. — Jasmin R. Uy/MEEV


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