Errand boy found dead

A stay-in errand boy was found dead inside the garage of an apartment in barangay Punta Princesa, Cebu City, early morning yesterday.

The police identified the fatality as Noli Ramos, 22, single and a stay-in errand boy of the said apartment. 

A certain Jorge Basan, a co-worker of the victim, told police investigators that at around 5 a.m., he got up to use the comfort room.

On his way there he saw Noli lying on the ground near a sheet of plywood where he used to sleep. Basan said at first he thought Noli was merely sleeping so he tried to wake him up but the latter did not respond.

This prompted Basan to call Nilo Ramos, the victim’s brother, who is also a stay-in worker of the said establishment.

When they found out he was dead they searched him for wounds but all they found was a small cut on the victim’s right eyebrow.

The witnesses said that they last saw Noli alive at around 1 a.m. sitting on a wooden bench near the plywood.

The police said they are still conducting further investigation to determine what caused the fatality’s death.  Joy Kareen T. Saliente/WAB

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