Rotarians vow to back Mar if he runs in 2010

Rotarians yesterday expressed their support for Sen. Mar Roxas if he will be running for President in the 2010 elections.

Speaking before Rotarians yesterday at the District Conference held at the Cebu International Convention Center, Roxas did not confirm if he will be running for president in 2010 but said that he will “do what the Rotarians want him to do.”

Speaking before more than 2,000 Rotarians, Roxas discussed his views on good governance wherein he said that Filipinos have the great culture and the great potentials in being a first-class country.

“We need to be able to realize our best potentials. We need a government we deserve,” Roxas said.

He said that Filipino have all the potentials but the government today is not helping in realizing these potentials.  But he said that Filipinos should still not lose hope and continue to strive for the future.

“A lot of problems facing our country today are directly linked to problems of governance and the people’s loss of faith in our daily institutions.  Our administration has yet to answer a lot of allegations thrown its way and the most direct way of dealing with them is to tell the truth. Tell the truth or face the consequences,” he said.

Roxas also cited the lack of support in education which is also one of the biggest problems in our country today.

He describes the educational system in our country as good for the lucky only as not all students are given the chance to have proper education and finish his or her studies.

Roxas said that of the 44 students who have finished secondary school, 18 of these will only have the chance to finish college which is why the government should have focus on the education sector.

Meanwhile, the Rotary spouses will kick off its series of advocacy caravan with focus on autism, breast cancer, dengue, diabetes and eye care at the CICC.

The plenary session officially opened yesterday with guest speakers Tourism Secretary Ace Durano on Rotary and Tourism; Alexander Lacson, author of 12 Little Things We Can Do for Our Country, on Acts of Heroism and Roxas on good governance.

Today speakers set to address the Rotarians include Doug Vincent on Rotary in the United Nations; Antonio Oposa on the Role of Citizens in Protecting the Environment; PDI President and CEO, Sandy Prieto on Literacy; Prof. Henry Tenedoro, president of Center for Learning and Teaching Styles on A PR Campaign that Builds Minds and Touches Hearts and Sen. Miguel Zubiri on The Health and Hunger Situation in the Philippines.

The district conference gathers together Rotarians from 99 clubs all over the Visayas and Mindanao to strengthen efforts for community service, share and recognize successful projects, do matching grants and renew friendships.  Jasmin R. Uy/BRP

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