CCPO to name waiting shed after slain member

In honor of the policeman who was killed in the line of duty early this month, the Cebu City Police Office would be naming a waiting shed built inside the camp after his name.

CCPO director Patrocinio Comendador told reporters that the waiting shed would be named the “Luage’s Kiosk” in honor of PO1 Noriel Luage, who was killed during an operation in barangay Zapatera on December 10.

Made from coco lumber, bamboos and nipa, the waiting shed was constructed last year during the time of then CCPO director Melvin Gayotin.

It served as the meeting place of Barangay Intelligence Network members and Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Branch operatives, and as resting place for policemen.

When he was still alive, Luage was also seen hanging around the kiosk while waiting for orders or other works, said a policeman who refused to be identified.

According to Comendador, a simple ceremony would be held next week for this occasion. It was not yet clear whether Luage’s family would be invited during the ceremony.

Luage was a member of the 100-man 2006 Bigkis Class and was assigned as a CIIB operative. He had received several commendations and citations in spite of his young career.

He was described by his batchmates and superiors as an aggressive policeman who is eager to learn his job.

He was killed few hours after receiving the Medalya ng Kagalingan as part of the Task Force Aves that arrested Aristotle Aves, a notorious personality who is suspected of being behind some of the killings in the city. — Edwin Ian Melecio/LPM


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