Three get life term for selling drugs

Three men from barangay Pasil were sentenced to life imprisonment after they were found guilty beyond reasonable doubt of selling 94 grams of shabu to an agent of the National Bureau of Investigation who acted as the poseur-buyer in 2002.

After they were convicted for violating the provisions of the Dangerous Drugs Law, Joel Jimenez, 43; Jerome Perez, 30; and Arnel Enejente were also ordered by Regional Trial Court executive judge Fortunato de Gracia to pay a fine of P500,000.

The court rejected the defense of the accused that they were just framed by the NBI agents because they failed to support their claim with convincing evidence.

De Gracia cited a Supreme Court ruling that states “between positive declarations of the prosecution witnesses and the negative statements of the accused, the former deserves more credence.”

NBI agents arrested the three accused inside the house of a certain Larry Tabada along Concepcion Street, barangay Pasil on September 11, 2002 after Jimenez sold the shabu to agent Danilo Garay for P180,000.

Jimenez claimed that while he was in his house in L. Flores Street, Pasil, on the afternoon September 11, Tabada arrived and convinced him to proceed to his house to look at some fighting cocks from Leyte.

Jimenez, who bred fighting cocks, went with Tabada to his house where he met Perez and Enejente, who are both his cousins.

Enejente and Perez have claimed that they went to Tabada’s house after the latter requested them to feed his fighting cocks. 

The NBI agents said it was Jimenez who received the buy-bust money.

Jimenez was found positive of ultraviolet powder dusted on the buy-bust money.  He claimed he was blindfolded while he was brought to the NBI office and he felt that somebody rub something on both his hands.

De Gracia said the court is convinced that the prosecution successfully proved the guilt of the three accused. — Rene U. Borromeo/BRP

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