Skywalk upkeep by private firms gets nod of Villarete

Chief city planner Nigel Paul Villarete favors the idea to let private companies maintain the skywalks in the city so that these firms can post their product advertisements for free.

The suggestion was made by a resident through the city government’s official website. The resident said he believes that the 18 skywalks in the city can be maintained well if placed under the care of private companies.

“This is one of the brightest ideas I’ve seen… there might be other implications we have not seen yet, but so far, as it stands, the suggestion seems very promising and worth studying,” Villarete said, promising to bring the matter to other City Hall officials.

Most of the city’s skywalks, particularly those located near the Fuente Osmeña, are not well maintained.

Councilor Eugenio “Jingjing” Faelnar earlier asked barangay officials to take care of the skywalks in their respective jurisdictions and protect these from vandals. Some skywalks have also been turned into homes of mendicants.

The City Traffic Operations Management had asked the Department of Public Works and Highways to turn over the maintenance and control of the skywalks to the barangay.

Faelnar said even if the skywalks would still be under the control and maintenance of the DPWH, barangay officials should also help in maintaining these structures. — Rene U. Borromeo/LPM

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