Salimbangon eyes livelihood centers

Cebu fourth district Rep. Benhur Salimbangon has filed a House bill pushing for the establishment of livelihood training centers in the municipalities of his district.

House Bill No. 2877 seeks to create handicraft training centers in the city of Bogo and in the municipalities of San Remegio, Tabuelan and Tabogon.

Salimbangon also filed House Bill No. 2878, which seeks to establish agricultural training centers for farmers and fishermen in the municipalities of Sta. Fe, Madridejos and Bantayan.

“Without a doubt, the municipalities of San Remegio, Tabuelan, Tabogon and the city of Bogo, have rich natural resources which can be utilized as source of livelihood,” he said.

Salimbangon, however, said the people in these areas lack the necessary skills and training to fully maximize their vast resources.

“Given the opportunity to be informed of the latest technology on agriculture through the Agricultural Training Centers, the lives of the farmers and fishermen, and that of their families in the Island of Bantayan, will definitely improve,” Salimbangon said. — Gregg M. Rubio/LPM

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